Antioch Judy Dudley 812-798-5231 West of Ellis Water Tower approximately 6 mile into the country sits on a curve on the left, into Sullivan County.
Beech Charles Bullerdick 812-939-2925 2 mile east on 157 E of Clay City to ? County Road approximately ½ miles E to Beech Church, cemetery is on S side of the Church.
Bicknell I.O.O.F. Friday Ulen-Secretary 812-735-2530 Bicknell
Bohley From Lone Tree Rd, E to Nine Mile Church, N to Cemetery.
Burris Past the Shakamak Dam, turn L at the crossroad wind into the country about approximately 3 mile, watch for sign on the L, will sit way back a lane.
Case Norman Santus or 812-383-9201 -Water Office On Hwy. 48 approximately ½ mile outside of Hymera to the East. Smallest Cemetery to the E side.
Hymera Water Office
Center Ridge 812-268-5191 Past McDonalds on Hwy 41 S of Sullivan will be on the L
Claiborne Go to the W edge of Hannah field turn S towards school to T-which is Shanklin Street, turn R, go several miles until the road T at a curve, turn a sharp L, go approximately 3 mile turn R just before the railroad tracks go another 2 mile, look for the Claiborne Cemetery sign near some houses it will sit on your L back down a lane.
(Very Rural Dugger)
Clayton James Strahle 812-847-7028 On 5th Street N of Linton, sits back a lane on the E side.
Dugger Susie Pirtle 812-648-2941 On Hwy 159 S at Coal Mine Corner approximately 1-2 mi
Duncan Hwy. 59 N of Jasonville to Eel River S of Clay City, take 1st Rd R, go 1½ mi on the L.
Fairview City of Linton Hwy. 59 S to Bolton Road turn L go to second stop sign, the cemetery is on the R.
Sharon Sparks 812-798-8256
Fiscus Freida Jones 812-859-4358 Take Hwy. 48 E of Jasonville to intersection 157 (bottom of the big hill) go N to Coal City, T road turn R, 1 mi E.
Friendly Grove Bruce Stevens 812-665-9221 From Coalmont take Hwy. 159 N, cross the railroad tracks then approximately ½ mile turn R at the sign, go approximately 2 mile turn L, then go approximately 2 more mile, sits behind the church on your L.
Fry AKA Terhune by some Sue Hubbell 812-665-2066 Behind Lebanon Church SE of the stripper pit, on the hill.
 German Memory Hill  Harry Huber  812-847-7715 Hwy. 59 S to Bolton Rd turn L to second stop sign, turn R go past the Fairview Cemetery, on L at the curve.
Grandview James Miller 812-384-4300 Bloomfield
K of P Norman Santus or 812-383-9201 -Water Office On Hwy. 48 approximately ½ mile outside of Hymera to the East. Largest Cemetery in the middle and W side.
Hymera Water Office
Lebanon Cox Funeral Home 812-665-9490 On Hwy. 59 S of Jasonville in Midland it sits across from the Lebanon Baptist Church.
Little Flock ½ mile N of Coalmont turn R, at Wheaton’s, go ½ mile and the cemetery will behind the old church on the right.
Little Flock-Shelburn Norman Santus 812-383-9201 Sits on Hwy. 41 S of Shelburn will be on the R.
Maple Grove Eric & Britney Harris 812-939-3605 Hwy. 59 N of Clay City turn L at the IGA go approximately 1 mile ,will be on the R.
Marco Ross Brown Hwy. 59 S to Hwy. 54 go to Switz City, turn R on 67, go down through Lyons, Bushrod, Beehunter and Marco. Cross bridge to 1st Rd on L go E and cross RR tracks, bear L go across bridge about ¾ mile then on R.
Maple Hill Tom Bolen 317-839-3320 Plainfield
Millers E of Lone Tree Rd in Amish Country near stripped area.
Mt. Calvary In Vincennes, very S end of 6th Street.
Oak Grove Randall Swalls-2003 In Wilfred behind the Shrine Club.
Oak Hill Ted Lee 812-894-2819 On Hwy. 46 E of Riley.
Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens 317-849-3616 9700 Allisonville Road, Indianapolis
Oak/Letsinger 1½ mile N on Meridian Street on the Greene/Clay Co line.
Olive Branch Arthur Beasley 812-847-7581 On Hwy. 54 W of Linton behind Olive Branch Church.
Peavey John Hubbell 812-665-2066 E of Jasonville at junction, take Hwy. 59 N to stop sign at Bogle Corner, stay on Hwy 59 E 1 ½ mile will sit on L.
Pleasant Bethel S of Worthington take Hwy. 67 about 4 mile to County Rd 50 E, turn L, go about 2 ½ miles, cemetery is across the road from the church on the R side of County Rd.
Pleasant Grove Vada Abrams 812-659-3500 S of Linton, Old Lyons Rd, cross RR, go R cross another RR ½ miles.
Roselawn Memorial Park Jen Pasquale 812-446-5221 41 N of Terre Haute as if going to Rockville-Under viaduct make a L, turn back S onto Old 41, approximately 1 mile S, sits on the R.
Sanders Carolyn Mullens 812-665-3684 E of Jasonville at junction, take Hwy 59 N to stop sign at Bogle Corner, go N on county road approximately 2 mile, at curve go straight onto county road, go about 3 more mile N to the job in the road turn R go about ½ mile to the hog farm turn L and go down lane.
Sassafras/Free/Old Linton Tom Wall In Linton turn R by the railroad tracks by Kennett Auto Sales, go as far as you can turn R, go over RR tracks again going W a mile on R.
Eric Harris has the Map and opens
Sink Steve White 812-939-3269 On Hwy. 59 N to the S end of Clay City.
Slaughters Joan Wilson 270-884-7000 Kentucky
Stafford Kurt Anderson 812-694-8837 S of Linton on Hwy. 59 between Goosepond & Sandborn on (Pleasantville Road).
Stephens Arlene Criss 812-495-6514 In Lewis first set of railroad tracks on Hwy. 246 W, turn R at the first street, go 2 streets turn R, cross RR tracks.
Terhune Sits on the W side of Lone Tree Rd on County Rd 475N half way between Jasonville & Linton. Take 475N to the W about ¼ or ½ mi, there is a locked gate with the cemetery sitting on the L, it should be slightly visible from the road.
Union Carolyn Mullens 812-665-3684 Across from French’s Skating Rink.
Valhalla Memory Garden 812-332-9321 Bloomington
Wagonner S of the road that runs along side of the Flooring America and Greene County Garage E of Linton.
Walker Bill Kirk 812-875-2356 Hwy. 48 E to Lone Tree Road, turn R and go to Terre Haute Rd, turn E or L and go to the Lincoln Christian Church, turn R go ¼ mile S cemetery sits of the L.
Watson At Hwy. 41 & 48 at Shelburn, go N on 41 for 6½ mile to intersection of Hwy. 41 & 246, turn L to go to Prairie Creek, go 6 miles to intersection of 246 & 63 in Prairie Creek. Turn R, go out of Prairie Creek on 63 to blacktop crossroad, turn L, see sign for Pleasant Valley Church this is French DR, go 1. miles to Keegan PL blacktop RD, turn R up the hill, go about 2-3 tenths of mile, will be on R.
West Lawn 812-696-2142 In Farmersburg on the W side of Hwy. 41.
Wilson Go to Clay City, take Hwy.157 S toward Coal City. Go to 4 way stop, a large transformer station sits on R corner, turn R, through a sharp L turn, take 1st Rd R, turn R, go about ½ mile or 2nd Rd to L, turn L, cemetery is across the field on your R, Turn R, should be a new home with a fence by it next to lane.
Worthington Vern Spoor 812-875-2288 In Worthington on the E side of the Hwy which runs through the S side of town.
? E of Lone Tree Rd on Terre Haute Rd, sits on the N side.